201 E. Durango St, Phoenix, AZ 85004, USA
"Empowering Minds, Strengthening Communities"

Friendly House is dedicated to our mission of Empowering Arizona Communities through Education and Human Services. Since the attainment of a quality education and employment is the key to success in this country, Friendly House continues to emphasize education for the following groups: preschool age children through quality care and early education; elementary school age children through our K-8 charter school, Academia del Pueblo, and ADP's afterschool and summer programs; high school and college age students, emphasizing youth who are the first in their families to complete post-secondary education; and adults who need Adult Basic education (English language training, GED) and/or skills training to complete their education and enter the workforce.
The Immigration Services program is designed to guide and educate families and individuals through the immigration process by providing information about immigration laws, requirements and procedures; immigration benefit eligibility screening; immigration application filing assistance and legal representation. Through our emergency family services, Friendly House assists low-income families and individuals to help stabilize their personal and home environments through emergency relief.
The work of Friendly House builds on America's identity as a nation of opportunity by promoting and advancing multiple strategies that enable individuals/families to fully enter and participate in the American way of life.
Friendly House Organizational Overview:
As one of Arizona’s pioneer social service agencies, Friendly House was first established in 1920 by the Phoenix Americanization Committee as part of a local initiative to assist immigrants in acquiring the citizenship, education and literacy skills necessary to acculturate into the United States. An enduring legacy of the settlement house movement, Friendly House has continued to grow and expand its services. We remain committed to serving Arizona families, new immigrants and citizens through our integrated programming.